Friday, July 30, 2010

World Market Treasures

The other day I was going to drop off my dog to our groomer Jane when I noticed a very fun, colorful display in the window of Cost Plus। I thought "hm, I haven't been into Cost Plus for a while I'm going to check it out!" That was one of the best decisions I ever made. I had forgotten how unique Cost Plus was॥and how quickly that store can burn a hole in your wallet! On this visit to Cost Plus, they had a very popular theme going on in there store "Eat Pray Love". Most of the items were hand made from both men and women in India. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me at the time but I managed to take some snap shots of a couple items I particularly loved.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Mid Summer Surprise

So lately I've been racking my brain for creative, new ideas to make my summer a little more interesting. Unfortunately, one of the cons to living in Las Vegas during the Summer ( & quite often throughout the year) is the hot, unbearable weather. There aren't many activities to do outside unless your at the lake with friends, taking a sunrise hike at Red Rock, or lucky enough to score a cabana at one of the many pools on the strip. I decided that since I'm taking my jewelry and accessories line to the next level I would really begin focusing on my blog as well. I'm really into fashion, DIYS, and of course, food! I want to share my personal finds, ideas, and ventures with my readers. I hope my blog will not only help inspire those who read, but myself as well.

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